Tuscany is well-known all around the world, not only for its landscapes, but also for its cuisine. A peasant origin cooking tradition, with poor ingredients for simple dishes that keep unaltered their preparation for many generations.
Places to Eat

The first typical product which compares with no other in Italy i bread, distinguished for the lack of salt. Its centrality in peasant diet is confirmed by many and old recipes, as the panzanella, the ribollita, the pappa, the acquacotta, that give a second use to bread even when it is stale.
Another characteristic of the typical Tuscan cuisine is the employment of poultry, game and cured meats. Than they are not missing cheeses, including Tuscan pecorino.
Lastly the sweets, among which stand out the famous Sienese sweets as panforte, ricciarelli, cavallucci, migliacci, etc.
Ristorante "Il Grillo Moro"
A few km from our agritourism, going in Ampugnano direction, there is the restaurant “Il Grillo Moro”, offering all the best of the Tuscan and Sienese cooking tradition. Authentic recipes that have been handed down from one generation to another are excellently reproduced today by Filippo, the restaurant owner.
With pici, gnocchi and hand-made tagliatelle, with show-cooking dishes like the “Filippo's battuta di chianina”, you will really have a pleasant evening in a nice and friendly atmosphere.
Their attention for the meat selection, hanged vertically for 33 days at alternating phases, for the cooking and the filetting, with coarse salt of Volterra, the "Dievole" olive oil and the black pepper, make this one of the best restaurants to eat the fiorentina steak in Tuscany.
Ristorante "La sosta del Cavaliere"
At the entrance of the little hamlet Torri, with a wonderful view over the underlying valley, there is the restaurant “La Sosta del Cavaliere", proposing an interesting modern reinterpretation of traditional Sienese dishes. Home-made pasta and first-choice meats.
Their typicalness blends to the intense tastes of the olive oil and the extraordinary wines, you will enjoy them in the typical atmosphere of the Sienese countryside.
Osteria "Nonno Giulio"
Going in Sovicille direction, in the middle of the green hills, the Osteria di “Nonno Giulio” will delight you with many typical recipes, different speciality in every season and excellent grilled meat.
Pizzeria service is also available.
The ideal place to eat well and have a good time with family and friends, also for celebrations and important ceremonies.
Organic Buying and Eating

The municipality of Sovicille is one of the pioneers of the sustainable economy and of the zero-km commerce. In fact there are many places to buy organic products cultivated in the area and to eat zero-km food.
La Bottega di Stigliano
The Bottega di Stigliano is a completely dedicated to nutrition and organic agricolture space, a place to buy the products of the local farmer, taste "zero-km" dishes and take part in cultural activities to deepen the bond between what we consume and the environment we live in.
The aim of the Bottega is to sustain the consume and the production of local foods as the central element of the quality of our nutrition and of the development of the territory.
At the Mercatale in Sovicille you can buy many products coming from the farms and from the agricultural handicraft of the Val di Merse and of Siena area:
organic vegetables, tap milk, poultry meat and grown up free hen eggs, bovine meat, pigeons, cured meats and fresh Cinta Senese meat, cheeses, honey, ancient grains flour bread, productions from natural leavening oven, pasta, legumes, cereals, olive oil, wine, processed foods and vegetables preserved in oil.
You will also find: Fair Trade products, natural textile and native wool, ecological cosmetics and local workmanship products.
The Mercatale of Sovicille takes place two times a month from h. 9.00 to h. 13.00 :
3° Saturday of the month – Piazza Marconi, Sovicille (October - April)
3° Saturday of the month – Piazza di Stigliano, loc. Stigliano, Sovicille (May - September)